Welcome to 2022. Cycling can lead to improved mental and physical wellness. It can be a form of transportation, hobby or sport. It can give someone the spark they need to fight adversity. That’s why we are here. The Lefty Cycles Project, Inc. (TLCP) has been working hard this winter to plan our upcoming year and maximize the reach of our mission. We’ve grown wiser and stronger since the original inception of “No More Bad Days” in 2019 and in the words of our Founder and CEO, we are coming together and changing lives (D. Howley, 2021).

Last year, we donated over 100 bicycles to community members across CT who were in need of a pair of wheels. The recipients ranged from children to older adults. We are ready to double that number in 2022 by connecting with local organizations that share the same goals surrounding mental health support and mobility for many underserved populations.
We wanted to share a recap of what The Lefty Cycles Project, Inc. has accomplished:
Officially accepted as a CT based nonprofit org (501c3) at the end of 2020.
Executed our inaugural event, 3 Cans of Pure Goodness in November 2020.
-Proudly collaborated with Empowered Studio of Glastonbury along with additional local sponsors to collect non-perishable goods, fundraise with fitness and contribute towards Hands on Hartford’s powerful mission.
-Donated 543 lbs. of food along with 1300 dollars to Hands on Hartford.
In December of 2020, we donated 18 bikes to BiCi co, of West Hartford, CT.
Starting in 2020, Dylan Howley, Lefty Cycles CEO/Founder participated in a variety of podcasts, speaking engagements & zoom events to promote recovery, mental health awareness and examples of positive lifestyle behaviors (a complete list is available on our website).
April 17, 2021, we collaborated with businesses of Windsor, CT and hosted a bicycle/food drive which was a huge success. Bikes for a Better Future was an inaugural event that allowed us to expand our bicycle inventory and donate approximately eight bikes to community members.
May 2021, hosted a bike distribution and safety discussion with elementary aged students in Windsor.
August 2021, began a community partnership with Sound Community Services, inc., of New London, CT. ( Sound is dedicated to educating, empowering, and creating opportunities for individuals with behavioral health and substance abuse diseases.)
-We donated six bikes to be divided amongst three residential locations that serve the clients of Sound and our founder/CEO, Dylan Howley, presented on the Lefty Cycles mission and his personal history with recovery, and the utilization of a bicycle while strengthening recovery strategies. He has continued to visit/spend time with clients on a bi-monthly basis.
October 2021, visited the Martin House, Inc. of Norwich, CT: currently collaborating future partnership ideas for 2022.
November 2021, Willimantic Bike donation: Next Step program; six bikes donated to support workplace transportation.
November 2021, completed a second annual holiday food drive with Empowered Studio of Glastonbury that directly benefited hands on Hartford.
November 2021, Joined the SE CT Chamber of Commerce.
December, 2021-February 2022: Started the planning of 2022 goals and events with the Board of Directors.

What’s next on the agenda? On Sunday, March 6th, we are partnering with one of our biggest supporters, Empowered Studio of Glastonbury. This “Fundraise with Fitness” event is a way to break a sweat for a good cause. There are a limited number of spots available to participate in the spin and strength training portion of the event so If you're interested in learning more, contact Dylan (info below).
Final Updates for today:
We are aiming to build our contact database so please visit our website (https://www.theleftycyclesproject.org) and add your email address at the bottom of the home page. This is the BEST way to receive monthly updates about events, Lefty Cycles news and information about recovery from addiction and other mental health related issues. Together we are stronger.

Calling all volunteers! We credit all of our successes thus far to our board of directors, our families our friends and the generosity of donations. We also thank our new friends we've made along the way. People who have donated bikes or funds, bought hats, followed social media updates and/or BELIEVED in our mission from the start are the core of Team Lefty Cycles. Throughout the year, we will be partnering with local orgs in addition to hosting our biggest event to date in May. Volunteers will be needed, more information to come over the next month or two. Lefty Cycles swag will be used as an incentive.

For more information, please Contact Dylan Howley: Dylan@theleftycyclesproject.org or visit our website at www.TheLeftycyclesproject.org.